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  • 匯款資訊(How to pay)
    本店商品全為先付款,後寄件,郵資$70 Shipping:NT$70 訂購商品後,請先轉帳,並到"連絡我們"留下以下資訊, 對帳無誤後,會立即幫您出貨,謝謝您! 收款銀行:玉山銀行 收款銀行代碼 :808 收款銀行帳號 :0428-9791-46466 Send Pay Meassage to KIDS: 主旨:付款資訊 訊息: 1. 轉帳帳戶姓名 : 2. 轉帳銀行 : 3. 轉帳帳號後5碼: 4. 購買總金額 : -------------------- After ordering the merchandise, please transfer the account first, and leave the following information in "Contact Us". After the reconciliation is correct, we will ship the products for you immediately, thank you! Beneficiary bank):玉山銀行 (e.sunbank) Beneficiary bank No.:808 Beneficiary bank ID:0428-9791-46466 Send Pay Meassage to PetGo: Subject:Payment Information Message: 1. Transfer account name : 2. Transfer bank: 3. 5 digits after the transfer account: 4. Total purchase amount:
  • 請仔細詢問尺寸問題
    除破損外,本網站售出概不因為尺寸不符退換貨。 可多利用聯絡我們, 將丈量好的小朋友的尺寸及欲購買的商品告訴我們, 我們會親自為您丈量並溝通, 待您確認後,再至網站下標, 或許有些不便,但可以保證將尺寸不合的問題減至最低。 Please ask the size question carefully. Except for damage, items sold on this website will not be returned or exchanged due to size discrepancies. You can use Contact Us to contact us, Tell us the size of the measured children that you want to buy, We will personally measure and communicate for you, After you confirm, go to the website to subscript, It may be a little inconvenient, but it can ensure that the problem of size incompatibility is minimized.
  • 該如何丈量尺寸
    腰部寬度最大可以拉到臀部寬 The waist width can be stretched to the hip width 95%以上含棉量,只有少數因為造型考量不是 More than 95% cotton content, only a few are not due to styling considerations
  • 如遇缺貨,請耐心等待25個工作天
    If products shortaged, please wait for 25 working days.
  • 過年期間正常營運,接單但不出貨,請大家海涵~!及無庫存商品出現時間
    不出貨時間,2021/02/10 - 2021/02/15 此外,無庫存商品會於年後30天後才到貨,因為物流業商品太多了,需要消化,請大家見諒,請大家繼續支持! Normal operation during the Chinese New Year, orders but not shipments. No shipping time, 2021/02/10-2021/02/15 In addition, unstocked products will arrive 30 days later, because there are too many products in the logistics industry that need to be digested. Please forgive me and please continue to support!
  • 如果沒有缺貨,貨品預告上架後約一個月會有商品,因為廠商出貨較慢的緣故
    If there is no shortage, there will be goods about one month after the goods are announced on the web, because the manufacturer’s shipment is slow.
  • 如果您下訂後,超過兩星期還沒有收到商品或我們的通知,請主動告知,謝謝您!
    If you have not received the product or our notice for more than two weeks after you placed the order, please take the initiative to inform, thank you! 加Line好友 (手機請點我 <- call)

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