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Frequently asked questions
關於冷凍宅配運送 (About frozen home delivery)商品從冷凍保存庫取出後,快速打包,以低溫宅配方式運送到您手上。全程冷凍,以確保美味不流失。 After the goods are taken out of the freezer, they are quickly packaged and delivered to you by low-temperature home delivery. The whole process is frozen to ensure that the deliciousness is not lost.
冷凍宅配運費計算 (Frozen home delivery freight calculation)< $3000, 新台幣 $135 / 次 < $ 3000, NT$135 / time
如何付費 (How to pay)訂購商品後,請先轉帳,並到"連絡我們"留下以下資訊, 對帳無誤後,會立即幫您出貨,謝謝您! After ordering the merchandise, please transfer the account first, and leave the following information in "Contact Us". After the reconciliation is correct, we will ship the products for you immediately, thank you! -------------------- 收款銀行 (Beneficiary bank):玉山銀行 (e.sunbank) 收款銀行代碼 (Beneficiary bank No.):808 收款銀行帳號 (Beneficiary bank ID):0428-9791-46466 -------------------- 主旨 (Subject):付款資訊 (Payment Information) 訊息 (Leave us a message...): 1. 轉帳帳戶姓名 (Transfer account name) : 2. 轉帳銀行 (Transfer bank): 3. 轉帳帳號後5碼 (5 digits after the transfer account): 4. 購買總金額 (Total purchase amount): -------------------- LINE 加入Line好友(手機請點我) become Line friend (become) -------------------- 本購物網站於您下標匯款3天內一定會出貨並告知已收到貨款,若您由匯款開始超過5天仍未接到商品,請立即使用Line通知我們。謝謝您 Meat Store will send the product and inform you that the payment has been received within 3 days of the remittance of your bid. If you haven’t received the product for more than 5 days since the remittance, please use Line to notify us immediately. Thank you!
商品為食品,無7天鑑賞期 (The product is food, there is no 7-day appreciation period)"貨品寄出概不退貨,因為我們有全程冷凍保鮮運送的把握,絕不會有商品腐敗或不新鮮的情況,請安心購買及食用。 The goods sent will not be returned, because we are sure of the whole process of frozen and fresh transportation, and there will never be corruption or stale goods. Please feel free to buy and eat.
安全購物流程 (Safe shopping process)-------------------- LINE 加入Line好友(手機請點我) become Line friend (become) -------------------- 本購物網站於您下標匯款3天內一定會出貨並告知已收到貨款,若您由匯款開始超過5天仍未接到商品,請立即使用Line通知我們。謝謝您 Meat Store will send the product and inform you that the payment has been received within 3 days of the remittance of your bid. If you haven’t received the product for more than 5 days since the remittance, please use Line to notify us immediately. Thank you!
產品重量 ± 5% (Product weight ± 5%)
下訂後無通知或收到商品(No notification or item received after ordering)如果您下訂後,超過兩星期還沒有收到商品或我們的通知,請主動告知,謝謝您! If you have not received the product or our notice for more than two weeks after you placed the order, please take the initiative to inform, thank you! 加Line好友 (手機請點我 <- call)
運費好貴(Shipping is expensive)您可以與鄰居一起合購喔~絕對比您外出採買所花的交通費、停車費便宜。 You can buy together with your neighbors~ It is definitely cheaper than the transportation and parking fees you spend on shopping.
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