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PetGo 寵物網
貨品寄出概不退貨,宅配範圍僅限台灣,必須先匯款出貨前,小幫手們都會檢查商品,包括外包裝,保存期限 Products are not returned when they are sent. The scope of delivery is limited to Taiwan, and cash use ATM trans. Before shipment, the assistants will check the products, including the package of products, and shelf life.
所有商品為100%公司貨,不囤貨,請耐心等待約15個工作天所有商品皆是由代理商進貨,完全是100%公司貨,請各位毛爸媽放心使用 All products are 100% company products, do not stock up, please be patiently and wait for about 15 working days.
艾多美衛生紙 110抽 72包 免運 勿下標 先加入艾多美會員(Buy Atomy toilet paper)目前暫無販售艾多美衛生紙,若需要請自行加入艾多美會員,有任何問題可以至聯絡我們提出疑問。 Atomy toilet paper 110 pumps 72 packs free shipping, do not subscribe, join Atomy first. At present, there is no Atomy toilet paper for sale. If you need, please to join Atomy, first. Or use "contact us" if you have any questions.
內有艾多美安置人編號(Join Atomy)朋友們 別把艾多美想的那麼複雜! 不用艾多美你也是個消費者; 不做艾多美你還是個消費者。 人打從一出生就是消費者! 生活中每天刷牙、洗臉、洗澡、洗頭、洗衣服、洗碗、洗菜, 原來您我都在往別人口袋裝錢, 現在嚐試一個新的消費新思維。 花本來就該花的錢, 賺本來賺不到的錢! 一邊消費,一邊賺錢! 加入會員,換個品牌, 隨時隨地都可透過網路商城購買 將日常消費行為,化為被動收入 歡迎您的加入! Friends, don't think Atomy is so complicated! You are also a consumer without Atomy; If you don't do Atomy, you are still a consumer. People are consumers from birth! Brushing teeth, washing face, bathing, washing hair, washing clothes, washing dishes, washing vegetables every day in life, It turns out that you and I are all putting money in other people’s pockets, Now try a new consumer thinking. Spend the money you should have spent, Make money that you couldn't make! Make money while consuming! Join a member, change a brand, Can be purchased through the online store anytime, anywhere Turn daily consumption behavior into passive income Welcome to join! ________________________________ 會員註冊(Join Atomy) 1. 先進入官網免費註冊(free join at Atomy web,first. Please chose your country.) 帳號(ID):31101096 密碼(Password):888888 安置人編號(Sponsor):32446281 安置人姓名(Sponsor Name):제주*앙 【進入後亦可至艾多美購物中心瀏覽所有產品】 2.「教育中心」建議依您居住地選擇附近中心 (chose local Atomy center) 3.購買會員申請書($50),或請至聯絡我們留言 (a. buy member apply book and write. must post the member apply book to Atomy company. b. Need write member apply book of Country of Citizenship are * Japan * Taiwan * Cambodia * Malaysia * Thailand * Singapore * Philippines * Indonesia * Russia) 4.加入會員後,若購買金額未滿1800,可寄到教育中心,自行前往領取 (After join Atomy and become member, when you sopping not over $1800, just sent products to local center, but must to take it by yourself.) 5.如果您是外國人,您的國家有艾多美公司,可以在自己國家註冊,然後使用台灣網站訂貨;如果您的國家沒有艾多美公司,要用台灣網站註冊,再使用資料袋註冊。一地註冊全球使用。 (If you are a foreigner and your country has Atomy, you can register in your country and use the Taiwan website to order; if your country does not have Atomy, you must use the Taiwan website to register, and then use the member apply book to register. Register for global use in one place.) ________________________________ 免費註冊流程(free join process): 艾多美各國會員入會方式 ________________________________ 有任何問題可以至聯絡我們留言喔~ If have any questions, you can use contact us to respons.
2021/02/06 - 2021/02/16不出貨,但接訂單,請大家見諒!(No Shippe time)2021/02/06-2021/02/16 will not be shipped, but orders are accepted, please forgive me! becuse the time is Chinese New Year^^
如果您下訂後,超過兩星期還沒有收到商品或我們的通知,請主動告知,謝謝您!If you have not received the product or our notice for more than two weeks after you placed the order, please take the initiative to inform, thank you! 加Line好友 (手機請點我 <- call)
匯款資訊(How to pay)訂購商品後,請先轉帳,並到"連絡我們"留下以下資訊, 對帳無誤後,會立即幫您出貨,謝謝您! 收款銀行:玉山銀行 收款銀行代碼 :808 收款銀行帳號 :0428-9791-46466 Send Pay Meassage to PetGo: 主旨:付款資訊 訊息: 1. 轉帳帳戶姓名 : 2. 轉帳銀行 : 3. 轉帳帳號後5碼: 4. 購買總金額 : -------------------- After ordering the merchandise, please transfer the account first, and leave the following information in "Contact Us". After the reconciliation is correct, we will ship the products for you immediately, thank you! Beneficiary bank):玉山銀行 (e.sunbank) Beneficiary bank No.:808 Beneficiary bank ID:0428-9791-46466 Send Pay Meassage to PetGo: Subject:Payment Information Message: 1. Transfer account name : 2. Transfer bank: 3. 5 digits after the transfer account: 4. Total purchase amount:
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