Many ingredients can be initially processed, then properly sealed, and stored in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, which is convenient for future cooking, avoids the inconvenience of daily purchase, and breaks the restrictions of the season.
絲瓜 Luffa aegyptiaca
黑木耳 Black Fungus
雞胸肉 chicken chest meat
乾香菇 Dried Mushrooms
香菇 Mushrooms
馬鈴薯 Potato
火鍋食材 Hot pot ingredients
餃子 dumpling
餛飩 ravioli
關東煮 黑輪 Oden
去皮蒜仁 garlic
鱈魚 Cod
鮭魚 Salmon
豬絞肉 Minced pork
吳郭魚 肉片 Wu Guo Fish Sliced Meat
貢丸 Meatballs
豬軟骨肋排肉 Pork Cartilage Ribs
鳳梨 pineapple
大黃瓜 Big cucumber
山苦瓜 Bitter Gourd
苦瓜 Gourd
紅蘿蔔 carrot
絲瓜 Luffa aegyptiaca
白蘿蔔 daikon radish
南瓜 pumpkin
青椒 green bell pepper
黃&紅甜椒 yellow or red bell pepper
牛蕃茄 (西紅柿) tomato